Veteran Marathi stage actor Prakash Inamdar passed away following a massive heart attack early on Sunday morning. He was 60.
Inamdar is survived by his wife actress Jaymala Inamdar, son and daughter.
The last rites were performed at Vaikunth crematorium in the presence of prominent personalities from the field of theatre and stage.
Inamdar’s role of Sawla Kumbhar, which he played in the vagnatya (a comedy that makes comments on the current socio-political situation) Gadhvacha Lagna earned him much recognition. The play, which was presented by Kalasangam, an organisation established by Inamdar himself, completed a thousand shows just few years ago. The 1000th show of Gadhvacha Lagna was held at Balgandharva Rangmandir in Pune.
Besides, Gadhvacha Lagna , Inamdar was in the plays Saujanyanchi Aishi Taishi , Lafda Sadan , Sangeet Katyar Kaljat Ghusli , Sangeet Saunshaykallol and Diva Jalu De Sari Raat . Besides Marathi plays, Inamdar also acted in Marathi movies like Vajva re vajva and Goshta Dhamal Narhyachi . Chanda te Banda , a Marathi serial by Inamdar, was a hit with Marathi audiences.